2 Content

Message vs Microphone
    A website is to a business what a microphone is to a public speaker. One doesn't do much for the other without the right content going through it. The purpose of your website is to provide the vital information that leads a potential customer to a buying decision. You wouldn't complain to a microphone salesperson that it didn't work because the audience didn't applaud. So a website that is not promoted is similar to a public speaker standing in front of an empty auditorium.

    Content drives everything else. It is the message that you send over your network. The idea is to create your content and then deliver that content - consistently and with a predictable frequency - across all three parts of your network. Any investment you make in content becomes an asset because it stays on the site and becomes part of an ever-growing repository of information that can be found by search engines.

Capturing the Conversaton
     If you've got customers, you are communicating information about your business everyday.  After communicating day in and day out, the conversation comes very naturally. What we do at Resource Media is simply capture that conversation and transmit it over your network.
      Often at our initial meeting with clients, they ask: "What do I say over my network?" Our response:  Say what you would normally say when you talk with them face to face. By default, business owners have a passion or expertise surrounding their business, otherwise they wouldn't be in business. They're constantly solving problems for their customers, advising them, addressing their complaints, talking about promotions. That simple shift in perspective changes everything! The information begins to pour out, and we wonder how we're going to get it all online.

Best Laid Plans . . .
     If we had a nickel for everytime we heard from a business owner, "I know I can do it, I just don't have the time," we'd have a lot of nickels. The hardest part of establishing a network marketing program is not knowing how to do it as much as harnessing the time needed to do it. Not only do you need to find the time, the key is to be consistent. The key is to be consistent. The key is to be consistent. (Well, you get the idea.)
     Enter the Content Manager.

The Content Manager
    Imagine if you had an assistant and all you had to do was talk to him or her over the phone about what you wanted on your network. The assistant would do the writing, send you the articles for approval, then post them on the network.
    At Resource Media, our goal is to make the process of updating your network just that easy.  Each client is assigned to a Content Manager who will work closely with you to understand your business and your customers so that when your message appears, it will seem as if you did it. In fact, you don't even have to tell people it's not you doing the work! You can take all the credit. We don't mind.
    In addition, your Content Manager will help you maintain a consistent schedule by acting as a project manager and organizer so that information is distributed in a timely and consistent manner.  We'll work with you to lock in a schedule, and then we'll make sure that we meet the deadline together.

Content Packages
    We offer budget-friendly content packages that can be implemented once a month or more frequently.  The packages include an interview and writing followed by posting the content to your site, sending it to your network members through an e-mail newsletter and posting it via social media platforms Facebook and Twitter.  In addition, we offer a service to post to your Facebook and/or Twitter accounts on a daily basis. For the cost of one daily newspaper ad, you can create a permanent addition to your network.
Content Management Approaches | Have it YOUR way
    Although we find that most business owners prefer to have their content managed by us, it's one of three approaches you can take based on your needs.  Your options are 1) Let us do it, 2) Let's share, 3) You create the content.

1) Let us do it
You share your content with us verbally. We do the writing as well as posting to your network.

2) Let's share
We train you how to update your network.  We share content creation and assist you in maintaining your network.

3) You create the content
We train you and/or a staff member how to update your network and you take over.